Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Lemang adalah makanan tradisi yang masih digemari ramai sehingga sekarang. Biasanya kalau di kampung, lemang akan dibakar sehari sebelum Hari Raya Puasa atau Raya Qurban. Makanan tradisi ini paling enak dimakan bersama rendang kerbau atau lembu, tapi malangnya lemang hanya mampu bertahan selama 2 hari kerana santan yang digunakan untuk memasak menjadikannya cepat basi/rusak.

Kini keadaan sudah berubah, lemang sudah boleh di dapati sepanjang waktu. Pada setiap kali tiba musim perayaan pula, kita akan dapati banyak gerai / warung sementara didirikan di tepi-tepi jalan yang strategik, untuk membakar dan seterusnya menjual lemang tersebut di situ.
Ini adalah foto yg selalu kita lihat  sewaktu pulang ke kampung menyambut Aidil Fitri atau Aidil Adha.

*Awas! Lemang mempunya kandungan cholesterol yg tinggi...

dan berkemungkinan akan menjadi fast food bisnes satu hari nant
Hari Raya Aidilfitri (Malay term for the Muslim festival of Aidil Fitri, Muslim celebration) is coming very soon. Here I would like to share traditional Malay (Malaysian) food for this special festive occasion.
Lemang is a traditional Malay food cooked in a hollowed bamboo stick. This dish is usually eaten with rendang.
Rendang is a popular dish in Malaysia which is traditionally prepared. Though rendang is sometimes described as being like a curry, and the name is sometimes applied to curried meat dishes in Malaysia, authentic rendang is nothing like a curry. It is made from beef (or occasionally chicken, mutton, water buffalo meat, duck or vegetables like jackfruit or cassava) slowly cooked in coconut milk and spices for several hours until almost all the liquid is gone, leaving the meat coated in the spicy condiments. The cooking process changes from boiling to frying as the liquid evaporates. The slow cooking process allows the meat to absorb all the spices and to become tender.

This Malay dish is not something you would consider cooking for a usual dinner meal but it is a great party dish. It tastes better hours after it is cooked and you can prepare it beforehand. It goes well with rice or as a part of a nasi lemak spread. For me, it tastes best with soft white bread. Wrap some pieces of beef with it and ..yum. As I was making it for the carnival, I went for lemang, a banana leaf wrapped and steamed glutinous 
rice dumpling. It looked rather exotic together and we could price it likewise.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

What is Lemang?
Lemang is glutinous rice mixed with coconut milk then compacted into a hollow bamboo rod. It takes skill to ensure that just the right amount of rice is placed inside without it spilling over as it cooks and expands, and also it takes skill to roast it over the fire for hours, to ensure that it cooks evenly or at all!
When Hari Raya comes around, you may notice many roadside stalls sprouting up like mushrooms after a rain, roasting sticks of bamboo. If you aren’t familiar with this scene, you may be wondering just what they are up to. These sellers are in fact roasting “Lemang” – a traditional Malay Rice cooked in bamboo.

When cooked, the bamboo is split open and the cooked Lemang is taken out to cool. Once cooled, they are sliced up into slices about 2cm thick and eaten with curries, rendang or popularly with serunding (spicy dried meat floss).
The taste is rich with coconut milk and a subtle flavour of bamboo. Personally, I don’t like it much but I know of people who love it so much they even eat it outside of the festive season!

kak shila lemang kampong enterprise
KAK SHILA   012-2318436